Friday, March 16, 2012

Danna catalogue Vol 1 translation: track 1

Ashiya Kouichi  (CV: Ishida Akira)
Kanbe Hitoshi (CV: Hirakawa Daisuke)

Alright so this is my first attempt at translation so please bear with any awkward phrasing or mistakes haha~ My japanese is mostly self taught through playing games and watching anime, but I've taken like two classes over the summer a couple years back XD yeahh I'm proably not qualified to translate so that's why I did say this was an attempt. If you see any mistakes, comment and let me know! I'd love to make this as accurate as possible and that way I can learn too ^^

Anyways I'm planning to translate track 1, the intro, and do Hirakawa Daisuke's tracks (the gentle husband) cause he's my favorite voice actor :] Afterwards if I still feeling like translating then I'll do Ishida Akira (the forcible husband).

So on to the intro!! hehe excited~

one last note: Please don't post this translation somewhere else, just link back to the blog. I own this translation so if I see someone stealing this or whatever I'm just going to stop translating. Alright thanks everyone~

Track 1 Before Beginning to Read the Danna Catalogue

Ashiya Kouichi: When you are tired from work and come home, a wonderful husband waits for your return, have you ever wanted to have such a dreamlike married life?

Kanbe Hitoshi: Have you ever wanted to spend your days off with the person you love together the whole time?

Ashiya Kouichi: There’s the best thing to send to someone alone like you. That is

Kanbe Hitoshi: Honeybee.  CD collection.

Ashiya Kouichi and Kanbe Hitoshi: Danna catalogue.

Kanbe Hitoshi: At this time, honeybee publication has launched the first issue of the dream husband information magazine-- where various types of husbands are featured in the Danna catalogue each month.

Ashiya Koichi: The special feature in this first issue is the forcible husband and the gentled mannered husband. Which one do you choose if marrying? And what’s your ideal newly-married life?

Kanbe Hitoshi: From a moment over the Danna catalogue, you can experience a newly-married life with your ideal husband.

Ashiya Kouichi: From the meal after awaking in the morning, the time of rest; and then, until you sleep, I will present you a time of a wonderful comfort.

Kanbe Hitoshi: Choose your favorite husband, and please thoroughly enjoy the sweet newly-married couple life with your dream man.

Ashiya Kouichi: This time I, the slightly pushy Ashiya Kouichi and

Kanbe Hitoshi: I, feminine one-- Kanbe Hitoshi will be coming to your house.

Ashiya Kouichi: Well then, should I return to the house you're waiting in soon? Let’s have an enjoyable newly-married life.

Kanbe Hitoshi: I return there later, too. To the house my most important bride in the world is waiting in.

YAYYY I finished track 1! That track was only 2 minutes, but it took me like forever to translate OTL lol ok next time I'll post Kanbe Hitoshi's proposal so look forward to it~!


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